Our Astonishing School!!! #TheBestEver


Posted by genyltps | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 7, 2017

I think Tenambit public school is the best school in the world!!!!    In our school we have the best teachers and friends!!! We also have good education!!!!  Our Rules in our school are…. the 5 star rules, the Respect, Responsibility and Excellence.    The 5 star rules are…

  1. I can listen
  2. I can follow instructions
  3. I can raise my hand and wait
  4. I can keep my hands and feet to myself
  5. I can work quietly

Those are our 5 star rules. Our respect rules are being kind, listening to  others, speaking politely and all of those respectful things.  The responsibility rules are  keeping the school tidy, acting safely, making positive choices and all of the responsible things. All of the excellent rules are working hard, having a try and all of those excellent things. That’s why my school is astonishing!!!!

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